
‘Sixteen domestic TV receivers are arranged in a circle; each facing away from the viewer into the enclosed space; each playing a different TV channel from the next.. …
‘An Ephemeral Art, an installation by Tamara Krikorian’, article written by Krikorian in March 1979.pdf here
Statement about ‘An Ephemeral Art’, …
“An extreme close-up of a mouth is used to examine speech patterning, perception of mime, vocal cavity resonation and the electronic fracturing of speech. …
Behold is a kind of homage to Edweard Mubridges pioneering Motion Picture Studies (1878/85). Looking back it does seem to mark a significant shift in my practice, …
Document detailing Chris Meigh Andrews’ biography, description of works and an image of Continuum (2 screen videotape, with Gabrielle Bown), …
‘Dialogue for four players is a video playback installation by Steve Partridge at the AIR Gallery during Mid-March. Four Monitors stand in a square facing the viewer in a darkened room: their own light is the only illumination. …