Vide Voce (The Threes in The Four)

Partridge, StephenContributor(s):
Sound: David Cunningham Voice & Lyrics: Mary Phillips
This work is part of the rewind archive.
Duration: 10 minutes
Year: 1986
Original formats:3/4" U-Matic Hi Band
Media types:Video
Type of work:Videotape
Technical details: Colour Videotape Produced at the TV Workshop DJCAD Dundee
“As a pure example of ‘landscape video’ in Partridge’s output, Interrun is in the larger tradition of landscape art – and on the grand scale. It also shares the radical revisioning of landscape pioneered by such structural filmmakers as Chris Wrelsby and William Raban, but is more specifically preceded by a Partridge-Cunningham landscape video made with singer and performer Mary Phillips, Vide Voce, 1986. Coincidentally, structuralist like Raban and Welsby also questioned the ecological and political aspects of landscape in their films of the 1980’s and thereby took their earlier work beyond their original goal of pure observation. Similarly, this videowall offers an ‘eye-scaping’ challenge to the ideology of neutral vision.” Al Rees “Stephen Partridge”, cat, Univ of Dundee, 1998, MONITORING PARTRIDGE, Al Rees, ISBN 1 899837 29 9