The Television

Atherton, KevinContributor(s):
David Garcia
This work is part of the rewind archive.
Duration: 3m 33s - Amsterdam4m 5s - ICA2m 30s - LVA17m 25s - Glasgow
Year: 1985-86, 2010
Original formats:3/4" U-Matic Lo Band
Type of work:Performance & Installation
Funding source: Self
First exhibited: ICA London 1985
ACGB programme for Video Artists on Tour; 1985 pdf here.
‘Starting from Scratch’, an article on Transmission Gallery’s ‘Glasgow Events Space’ by Graham Caldwell for The LIST, February 1986, includes information on Atherton’s ‘Death In Glasgow’.pdf here
Advert for Kevin Athertonís The Television-Live from Glasgow 1986. pdf here
Directory, The television-live from Glasgow 1986. pdf here