
Pictorial HeroesContributor(s):
Sandra Christie
This work is part of the rewind archive.
Duration: 22mins
Year: 1987
Original formats:3/4" U-Matic Hi Band
Media types:Video
Type of work:Single Screen
Funding source: Scottish Arts Council Video Bursary
First exhibited: 1987 Smith Biennale Stirling (Prize Winner)
Technical details: First Pictorial Heroes piece to use 2 chip camera as opposed to tube camera. Quantel Paintbox used in production
Catalogue from 4.Videonale in Bonn includes information on ‘Sniper’.pdf here
Letter from Scottish Television plc, regarding the work ‘Sniper’.pdf here
Letter from The Smith Biennial Exhibition, 1987, regarding the work ‘Sniper’.pdf here
Programme for the French Institute to be shown February 16th 1988 – a personal selection by Anna Ridley. Includes ‘Sniper’.pdf here
‘Made in Scotland’ Catalogue, including an article by Jeremy Welsh on ‘Sniper’.pdf here
Pages from Doug Aubreyís sketchbook for Sniper.pdf here