Luminous Portrait

Goddard, JudithContributor(s):
Sound: Keir Fraser
This work is part of the rewind archive.
Duration: 1 min 30 secs
Year: 1990
Original formats:3/4" U-Matic SP
Media types:Video
Type of work:Single Screen
Broadcast: 1990 BBC2 Late Show
Funding source: Arts Council/BBC Television
First exhibited: 1990 BBC2 Late Show
Technical details: Used Quantel Paintbox
‘The Television Workshop’, information on the facilities at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee, and previous artists who have produced work there, including Judith Goddard who produced ‘The Late Show’ for BBC 2’s ‘One Minute Television’ at the college.pdf here
Publication Ò Judith Goddard, Katharine Meynell, Monika Oechsler ‘Abstract Still Life PortraitÌ Ò 3 video installations commissioned by KettleÌs Yard, 1992.pdf here