A photograph of Eau d’Artifice (1993) at The Harris Museum, Preston, 1990. Photo by David Schofield
A piece in which Sartorelli recalls his experience with videotape at Galleria del Cavallino. Extract from G.Sartorelli, “Cinque luoghi da cui guardare. BerlinoFirenzeVeneziaLondraBabilonia. Considerazioni di un artista viaggiatore”, Supernova, Venezia Lido 2008, pp. 52-55
A piece in which Sartorelli recalls his experience with videotape at Galleria del Cavallino. Extract from G.Sartorelli, “Cinque luoghi da cui guardare. BerlinoFirenzeVeneziaLondraBabilonia. Considerazioni di un artista viaggiatore”, Supernova, Venezia Lido 2008, pp. 52-55
A selection from a the Videotapes (1980) by Sirio Luginbuhl and Paolo Cardazzo with a description of the possibilities of the medium, some examples of the use of videotape in art, as attivists’ counter information and for educational purposes.The volume also include a chronology of video art and an essay about the classifications of the uses of video in art.The book is closed by a contribution by Luciano Giaccari
A Situation Envisaged: The Rite Poster (front)
A Situation Envisaged: The Rite, A3 poster (front). …
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A Situation Envisaged: The Rite, Installation Drawings
A Situation Envisaged: The Rite, installation drawings for Bracknell Arts Centre. …
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A sketch by the artist of Neon Poem for the installation ‘Shattered Neon’
A sketch for the installation “Hopscotch”
A sketch for the installation “Hopscotch”, Tina Keane. …
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